Paul Bohanna, Articles, conference papers and draft articles
Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Draft manuscript
Paul Meadow, Abstract, “Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Applying Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development to Non-Market Economies”, Dissertation Abstracts
Paul Meadow, Draft Manuscript, “New West”
Paul Meadow: Draft Manuscript, “The Great Transformation in 1960”
Paul Meadow, Drafts
Peter F. Drucker, Articles
Physical and mental work
P.I. Painter
P.I. Painter, Mens Creatrix
P. I. Painter (Pip): Draft articles
Plans for journals
Polanyi, Karl, 1886-1964.
Publication: Justice,
Pure Economic Theory
Radical Party and Civic Party
Radio broadcasts from Europe: Transcripts
Ragnar Frisch: Essay