Carter Goodrich, Articles, 1951-1956
Castro, Fidel
C. B. Macpherson: Article
Charles Abrams: Review article
Charles A. Gulick, Draft
Civil war
Clark Kerr, Article, “Industrialism and Industrial Man”, International Labour Review
Claude Meillassoux: Article
Committee of Correspondence - Newsletter
Conrad M. Arensberg: - Articles 1954-1955.
Correspondence, Adele and Felix Schafer, Karl Polanyi,Ilona Duczynska
Correspondence,Adele Schafer, Felix Schafer, Ilona Duczynska
Correspondence Aline Klatschko, Ervin Szabó
Correspondence, Cecilia Wohl, Mihály Pollacsek
Correspondence, Felix Schafer, Adele Schafer, Kari Levitt
Correspondence, Felix Schafer,George Dalton
Correspondence, György Lukács, Leo Popper
Correspondence,Ilona Duczynska,