Newspaper clippings
Newspaper clippings: Christianity and communism
Newspaper clippings: Galilei Kör and left intellectuals
Oscar Jaszi: Article
Oszkár Jászi, Article, “Kossuth Lajos emigrációja és az októberi emigráció”, Bécsi Magyar Ujság
Oszkár Jászi, László Rubin, Károly Pólányi, “Három Március 1911-1912-1913.”, no. 11
Otto Bauer, "Bereitschaft - aber wofür und wozu? Ein Brief", Menschheitskämpfer
Otto Bauer, Der Weg zum Sozialismus, Berlin: Freiheit
Pamphlets on labour
Paul Bohanna, Articles, conference papers and draft articles
Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Draft manuscript
Paul Meadow, Abstract, “Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Applying Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development to Non-Market Economies”, Dissertation Abstracts
Paul Meadow, Draft Manuscript, “New West”
Paul Meadow: Draft Manuscript, “The Great Transformation in 1960”
Paul Meadow, Drafts
Peter F. Drucker, Articles
P.I. Painter
P.I. Painter, Mens Creatrix
P. I. Painter (Pip): Draft articles
Publication: Justice,