Gerhard Steger: Article – “Otto Bauer als Christ Marxist”
Giannelli, Essay, “Some Aspects of Economic Life in Early Babylonia”
Gregor Sebba: Lectures, “Discussion über Demokratie”, “Die Umwälzung in Deutschen Reich”, Sitzung des politisch-soziologischen Arbeitskreises
Harry W. Pearson, Articles, drafts
Harry W. Pearson, Draft articles
Hermann Gerhard Leibholz: Curriculum vitae
Ilona Duczynska
Ilona Duczynska Correction to the Hungarian edition of Dahomey and the Slave Trade
I. M. Diakonoff, Bibliography, “Selected Bibliography of Soviet Works on Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Hurrians and Elam, 1917-1962”
Jakob Marschak: Article
James L. Halliday: Articles
J. C. Polanyi: Draft manuscript
Jerome Rothenberg: Draft article
John A. Kouwenhoven: Monograph
John M. Cash Guide to the Papers of Michael Polanyi
John R. Seeley, Articles, Conference Papers
John V. Murra, Articles
Joseph Needham: Articles
József Halmi: Article
Julius Lewy, Articles, 1956-1958