Shri Jawahar Lai Nehru: Article
Sidney W. Mintz, Articles, 1955-1961
Siegfried Nacht, Publication, Der Generalstreik und die Soziale Revolution, London: Société d’édition d’oeuvres sociologiques
Sigmund Diamond: Essay
Stuart Piggott: Essay
Student Christian Movement: Pamphlet
Terence K. Hopkins, Papers, 1952
The Student’s Contribution to Victory
Thorstein B. Veblen, Article
Ulrich Leo: Article
Victoria Armstrong, "Intervention and Prices", paper
Vivian Carlip, Papers
Walter C. Neale, Articles and drafts
W. D. McClelland, Draft article, "The Christian Left: The Introductory Sequence"
W. F. Leemans
Wilbert E. Moore: Article
William Holmes Bennett, Introductory draft of Master’s thesis, “The Role of Market Institutions in Trade and Business in the Late Roman Republic”
William Linn Westermann: Article
William Taussig Scott, At the Wheel of the World
W. T. Easterbrook: Article